Saturday, 25 June 2011

21 Day Challenge

Right, I am setting myself a challenge to declutter 21 items a day for 21 days.  The number was inspired by this amazing lady who is posting organizing videos on youtube Her method is to simply have 3 bags on your arm one for rubbish, one for recycling shredding and one for donating.  So the task is go around the house or one room and lift 21 items that fit suit the categories above.    I think doing this for 21 days will give me a good start.  Starting seems to be the hardest part for me. 

The creator of these vids (she has lots) also has a website which links in with a blog she writes and some nice ideas as to what kind of clutterbug we are (I also like that name way better than hoarder,collector, or packrat)  I think I'm a butterfly because I like to see my stuff and don't put my things away, because I will do it LATER!

I did my first 21 items last night which really was put 21 items away.  Hmm maybe I need to include this in a category return things to their home.  It could be complete avoidance, as the idea of making decisions and 'getting rid of' kinda freaks me out.  I will see how it goes and post pictures along the way.  Its gotta be done.

1 comment:

  1. I followed the link. I'm definitely a ladybug -- I like to keep thinks looking neat on the surface, but my cupboards and basement are, um, works in progress!
    Congratulations on starting to declutter!
