Thursday, 15 September 2011

On Failed Starts

Ahem have you ever started a project and then been struck with a feeling of overwhelm at the prospect of tackling said project.  This experience is not new to be, I have a long history of good intentions and a trail of unfinished tasks in my wake.  Well my outlook has changed from how I used to view it.  I know I tend to be hard on myself and dare I say it am in possession of a few perfectionistic (a word?)tendencies.

The things that works best for me is to pick myself up from where I am.  Start again with some compassion, knowing all the while this is a path from which I have learnt many things about myself.  Sometimes it was tempting to think what would I be like if I could live the best that I could be without the struggle?  The view I have came to though, is that I am an individual, and if anything does define me, its the tenacity which encourages me to keep going going and strive to improve both my surroundings and myself.

With the help of Potatoes Not Prozac by Kathleen DesMaisons I have gained an insight into the whys of what makes me indecisive, moody and impulsive.  All I really need to do is eat a good breakfast of protein and complex carb within the hour of getting up, and my kitchen and laundry magically get done.  You think I am joking but its true, if I feed my body/brain it starts to work better, with very little effort on my behalf. 

I'm excited to focus in on whats important again, and live the life I am meant to live.  More to follow soon...